type net.dnsConfig
16 uses
net (current package)
conf.go#L194: func (c *conf) addrLookupOrder(r *Resolver, addr string) (ret hostLookupOrder, dnsConf *dnsConfig) {
conf.go#L206: func (c *conf) hostLookupOrder(r *Resolver, hostname string) (ret hostLookupOrder, dnsConf *dnsConfig) {
conf.go#L215: func (c *conf) lookupOrder(r *Resolver, hostname string) (ret hostLookupOrder, dnsConf *dnsConfig) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L258: func (r *Resolver) tryOneName(ctx context.Context, cfg *dnsConfig, name string, qtype dnsmessage.Type) (dnsmessage.Parser, string, error) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L346: dnsConfig atomic.Pointer[dnsConfig] // parsed resolv.conf structure used in lookups
dnsclient_unix.go#L351: func getSystemDNSConfig() *dnsConfig {
dnsclient_unix.go#L424: func (r *Resolver) lookup(ctx context.Context, name string, qtype dnsmessage.Type, conf *dnsConfig) (dnsmessage.Parser, string, error) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L481: func (conf *dnsConfig) nameList(name string) []string {
dnsclient_unix.go#L550: func (r *Resolver) goLookupHostOrder(ctx context.Context, name string, order hostLookupOrder, conf *dnsConfig) (addrs []string, err error) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L595: func (r *Resolver) goLookupIPCNAMEOrder(ctx context.Context, network, name string, order hostLookupOrder, conf *dnsConfig) (addrs []IPAddr, cname dnsmessage.Name, err error) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L807: func (r *Resolver) goLookupCNAME(ctx context.Context, host string, order hostLookupOrder, conf *dnsConfig) (string, error) {
dnsclient_unix.go#L813: func (r *Resolver) goLookupPTR(ctx context.Context, addr string, order hostLookupOrder, conf *dnsConfig) ([]string, error) {
dnsconfig.go#L18: type dnsConfig struct {
dnsconfig.go#L40: func (c *dnsConfig) serverOffset() uint32 {
dnsconfig_unix.go#L18: func dnsReadConfig(filename string) *dnsConfig {
dnsconfig_unix.go#L19: conf := &dnsConfig{
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